Re: Hello from Newick Primary in England!

Dear Newick Primary School,

We are very fine thankyou.We are the Silanga school in Kenya.Thanks for your mail.We've received it and we are all happy to hear from you for the first time.

We at Silanga are very happy and active.The school has 9 T.S.C Teachers ,2 P.T.A Teachers ,one Pre-school school teacher ,420 pupils ,10 classrooms and 4 toilets.
Activities at school are Music [very active club],Wildlife club [soon shall visit TSAVO park],4-k club and scout club[sfs].

School routen time table begins at 8;00A.M-4;10P.M

Goodday and Goodluck to Teachers and Pupils ,by Silanga teachers


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Laura Riggs <> wrote:
Dear Silanga School,


How are you? We are writing to you from Newick Primary School in England. We have heard about you through Sussex University in England.


We would like to tell you a bit about ourselves. Here at Newick we are a very sporty and creative school. We have a spacious field to play sports and games. We are very lucky because we have mini learning projects (a different one each term) AND we learn a new language (French). After school and at lunchtimes, there are lots of clubs on offer run by our talented teachers. School starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.15pm. There are 8 classes in the school and 215 children! How many children and classes do you have in your school?


As a class, we are also very talented. Some of us play a variety of instruments. We work as a team to gain marbles in a jar to earn a special treat. So far we have had a pyjama party, a Diwali day and a golden day! Our topic at the moment is World War Two and we went on a trip to the Imperial War Museum in London!
How long is your school day and what activities do you do?


We would love to hear from you so please get in contact soon! We have sent you an email so that you can view our blog at   


Please write back soon,


Love from Miss Riggs all the children in Seals Class at Newick Church of England Primary School.

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