Originally uploaded by Silanga School

This tree is believed to have for more than ten decades to now. It sheds
it's leaves during hot season like cactus and became green during rainny
season.The Akamba community believe that when it becames green it is
planting season and when it starts sheding famine is coming .By
teacher MWANG'OMBE

1 comments - post a comment:

Pamela McLean said...

I love your photos and news.

I live in London and have some connections with education and training in Kenya and Nigeria. I first came across your site through Josh Underwood (who was describing this project at the London Knowledge Lab).

I connect with a project that might interest you called People and Place (My connection is with Steve Thompson who set up the project and with the Fantsuam Children's Computer Club who have posted some photos) We would welcome your input, either by joining People and Place and contributing your own photos, or just by commenting on the ones you see.
Hoping to "see" you at People and Place.
Pam McLean