The location of Silanga.

The location of Silanga.
Originally uploaded by Silanga School

Silanga primary school is found in Kenya Eastern province, Kibwezi
district,Mtito Andei division, Kathekani location, Silanga vilange.
The school was started way back in 1976.

The school currently has a population of 426 pupils, 8 T.S.C.
teachers, 2 P.T.A teachers and a pre-unity teacher. The school has 9
dilapidated classrooms, a fairly constructed staffroom and 4
abolution blocks for the children and a latrine for the teachers.

The school is just relatively 1 km from the old Nairobi-Mombasa
highway just after Kambu Trading centre a distance of about 247 km
from Nairobi . Every body is very much welcome to our school and lend
a hand in our endeavours to uplift the standards of the school.

Thank you very much .

Dominic Mutuku Muthoka

Senior teacher and Science teacher.

1 comments - post a comment:

x said...

Dominic do you have an email address you can be contacted on?